Sunday, June 1, 2008

Test Post from Jackie

This is a test to see if I have done this correctly.

Dan & Denise: Thank you for the plot skeleton you gave us on Tuesday. That will be very helpful as I continue my work on Silent Screams.

Ashley: I used my yahoo email ( to set up the blog. I hope that does not cause any problems. And thank you for introducing me to the world of blogging. Please feel free to delete this.

God bless you all,
Jackie Harts

1 comment:

  1. You did great, Jackie! Excellent! Now you just need to set up your own blog for your daily devotions! :)

    You're amazing, girl! Keep pushing your envelope. Way to go!



Thanks for your comment! your participation is a welcome asset to our online writer's group!

Many blessings on your writing career.