Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Excellent Meeting!

Hey, everyone!

Fantastic turn out last night - and thank you for the excellent meeting last night. We were blessed to have Brett Burner come and share with us his extensive knowledge on E-Books, Print on Demand, and his views on what makes a Christian Book.

For more information, please go to

And, for an exciting article on Brett's mission -- read this review:

Worship & The Arts

For anyone who is interested, here is a You Tube Promotion from Zondervan for Brett's graphic novel: Hand of the MorningStar...a must read for all ages...

Take care and God bless each of you in your writing endeavors. If you have questions or comments you would like to share with the group as a whole, please post them here. Brett will be notified, and can post responses on our blog.


1 comment:

  1. Good to be in touch with you and your group, I thought Scot did a great job on his article.

    I hope we can do some things that will build connections and synergies.

    Warmly, Paul


Thanks for your comment! your participation is a welcome asset to our online writer's group!

Many blessings on your writing career.