Below is our TWT worksheet for our next group session.
Please copy these and bring your responses to group meeting on 2/24! We look forward to seeing you all there!
~Ashley, Dan & Denise
Please copy these and bring your responses to group meeting on 2/24! We look forward to seeing you all there!
~Ashley, Dan & Denise
Temecula Writer’s Toolbox
Author’s Name_________________________________________
Fiction or Non-fiction____________________________________
Estimated word count when complete________________________
Where are you in the process?______________________________
1. Genre____________________________________________
2. Audience:
- a. Age group ________________________________________
- b. Sex______________________________________________
- c. Social group ________________________________________
- d. CBA or ABA _______________________________________
- e. Education level _____________________________________
- f. Other______________________________________________
3. Primary Drivers: (pick 3) - a. Romance
- b. Education
- c. Adventure/action
- d. Humor
- e. Thrill/ Suspense
- f. Mystery/Puzzle
- g. Life (spiritual salvation
and physical) - h. Community (create a story world for reader)
- i. Other ______________________________
4. Ministry_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. OP(Outline person) or NOP(Fly by the seat of your pants)__________
6. Elevator pitch- (around 15 words) ____________________________
7. Back cover (Quick paragraph stating story’s plot)
8. What specific writing skills do you hope to learn from this workshop?
9. Which of the following are most important to you? (Pick top 5 and order) - a. Deeper knowledge of the publishing industry.
- b. Improving writing craft.
- c. Forming more in-depth critique partners.
- d. Information on
- self-publishing and marketing.
- e. Being part of the ministry of writing.
- f. Fellowship with other Christian writers.
- g. Helping other writers shine.
- h. Sending “The Message” to the world.
- i. Being the best steward of the story God has entrusted to you.
- j. Earn big bucks writing.
- k. Earn meager or supplemental income writing.
- l. Entertaining an audience.
- m. Leaving a lasting legacy.
- n. Educate people about a certain topic.
- o. Become a better self-editor.
- p. Accountability with others to help reach deadlines.
- q. Learn about opportunities for publication and contests.
- r. Recording historical events for posterity.
- s. Dude! I just like to write.
- t. Other ___________________________________________